Henrike Gootjes
Regeneration Strategist, Artist - Educator
I made a book!

The art of being here
The color, the light and the sculptural landscape defined so remarkably by majestic Pic Saint Loup and his sister L’Hortus are simply breathtaking. I have attempted to capture these moments in aquarels and embroideries and called the serie, 'The art of being here.' To be present in the moment.
I am amazed by so much of the diverse landscape and atmosphere surrounding Montpellier. The flat and mosquito filled Camargues; The beaches; The medieval city centre, vibrant and bustling with modern life; The many ancient villages, through which one can barely squeeze a car; The many old paths, travelled for centuries; The resilient trees which can withstand the scorching sun in August, and somehow be able to shoot roots in the rocky soil. They teach me a lot about life. I am learning that it is for us, not against us, this life! If those brave trees can do it, we can.
This book is a collection of these moments in the Montpellier area..
The ART of being here - serie
a selection

Pic Saint Loup with snow, Aquarel, 15 x 20 cm

Etang d'Or, Aquarel, 18 x 24 cm

Castle at l'Hortus, Aquarel drawing, 15 x 20 cm

Flock of birds near Pic Saint Loup, Embroided Aquarel, 40 x 50 cm

Boulangerie, Aquarel, 13 x 18 cm

Hill with trees, Aquarel, 13 x 18 cm

Tree clouds, Aquarel, 15 x 20 cm

Saint Pierre in Montpellier, Aquarel, 15 x 20 cm

Lac Celeces, Aquarel, 15 x 20 cm

Surprise snow, Aquarel, 18 x 24 cm

En Route, aquarel, 15 x 20 cm

Flamingos near Maugiou, aquarel, 15 x 20 cm