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Henrike Gootjes
Regeneration Strategist, Artist - Educator
Sculpture commisioned by ZOA in 2013. ZOA is an international relief and recovery organization supporting vulnerable people affected by violent conflicts and natural disasters in fragile states, by helping them to realize dignified and resilient lives.
Fabric: Sri-Lanka, Thailand, Pakistan, Liberia
Bag: Myanmar
Necklace: Oeganda
Crucifix : Burundi
Cross: Ethiopië
Feather: from the backyard
Inspiration: Isaiah 61
Hope, mixed techiniques, 140X80x90 cm, 2013
blauwe sjaal_edited
Schermafbeelding 2017-09-05 om 14.02.23
hope borduursel rug_edited
Schermafbeelding 2017-09-05 om 14.01.50
hope 1
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