Henrike Gootjes
Regeneration Strategist, Artist - Educator
'I washed ashore on the Isle of Vlieland to find stories of the maritime and the personal history of the Isle.'

The Survivor's Swansong
The Exhibition 'Het lied van de geredde drenkeling' or 'The Survivor's Swansong' explores tales of survival, human resiliance and second chances. It was held in 2015 in museum Trompshuis in Vlieland (NL).
Henrike Gootjes washed ashore on the Isle of Vlieland to find stories of the maritime and the personal history of the island and her inhabitants. She connects this to a bigger, broader international picture by using storytelling, drawing, historical research, crafts, tattoo art and collaborations to create the exhibit.
Local historians provide stories of shipwreck and rescues, local fishermen and captains tell us about their adventures on the seven seas and women share their anxious hearts for their men at sea. Women of the island knit a traditional sweater for the surviving drowning man. Musicians sing songs to calm the heart in storms and daunting seas.
She also created a new series of works.