Becoming Regenerative!
The Launch of Be-Coming Regenerative in London Reflecting on an inspiring journey to London I am gratefull an excited. The Lauch of the...

four things I did not know before going to Leeds
Notes from Winter School. A Deep Dive into Cultural Heritage and Wellbeing: Reflections on my Participation in the International Winter...

4 dingen dien ik niet wist voor mijn reis naar Leeds.
In een samenwerking tussen vooraanstaande instellingen zoals Museum Dr. Guislain in Ghent, Leeds Museums, en Museum Tilburg ontvouwde...

Artistic Travel during COVID times
During my time in Montpelier, France I met artist HJ Chae. We regularly met up to talk about art, artprojects and visited exposition in...

Holobiots, connections and ecosystems (RHC 07)
Hereby you find the recording of last weeks meeting. And also an invitation to the 8th Radical Hope Club meeting. It will be on Christmas...

Radical Hope Club nr. 06
Me and Monique met in Montpellier and her beaming presence immediately stole my heart. We were both in transitioning and knew there was...

Radical Hope Club Meeting 05
Tonight we will meet for our fifth Radical Hope Club Meeting! My intention is that these meetings are infused with Radical Hope. Inviting...

Radical Hope Club nr.04
Hello friends! Henrike Gootjes is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Radical Hope Club Meeting 04 Time: Nov 26, 2020 08:30...

Radical Hope Club
2020. What a year! We, with that I mean, in The Netherlands are welcomed in the second Lockdown to flatten the curve of people being...

my cherrypicks from Dutch Design Week 2020
Unfortunately the Dutch Design Week is an online event this week. With my special interest in Regenerative Design practices I was...