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Sharing of Praxis

We took 2 days for All students and all staff of IMEA to share their practice and this way get to know each other and inform ourselves who would be a good match to be a tutor, a collaborator and to have an idea of which expertise can be found by who.

My sharing of praxis,

I was the second to share my praxis and I decided to make a small expo in our studiospace to introduce my practice. I also shared how living in different cultures enriched my life. When I was 16\17 I did an exchange year to a Highschool in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. It was full emersion in American culture. And, as it was just before the internet, full isolation, I had to deal with stuff myself I could only write letters and had a rare phonecall. Anyway, by this emersive experience I got a great sense of the culture of The United States, as they play such and important role in pop culture and the political arena.

Since that cultural exchange played a vital role in my life. I remember returning home after that year and listening to world leaders speaking with each other with such harsh tones and lack of understanding that I spoke passionately about passing a universal law that made in mandatory for any one in position of power and leadership to undergo a cultural exchange of at least 6 months.


I presented my praxis with sharing the projects 'Oh, my sweet sailor', 'Oceans, seas and skies', 'The art of Being Here' and 'the sailors swan song' and others.

After my sharing it was time to enjoy the presentation of my fellow master students. It was such a joy to discover their backgrounds and works of Praxis. The group is very divers, with students from Pakistan, Greece, Lithuania, Togo, Italy, Germany, Russia, Japan and the Netherlands. Their professional background is also divers; theater makers, social scientists, fine arts, photography, documentary maker, education ect.ect. To me it feels very promising to work together with this group, such a rich and wide source of information, experience and skills. You will understand I am thrilled!

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