Start of my studies!
Oh, my! I started my master in the Netherlands. To give an update. For a longer time I wanted to deepen my professional practice, last year I found a Master that was very much up my alley, connecting art with change in society. It aims to develop practice based methodologies that will challenge narratives that serve to promote mistrust and conflict. iMAE draws on the collective power of the arts to act as a 'learning force' that serves to promote critical education through the production of socially engaged public arts projects. So I applied and got excepted as student! (see more at
So we packed our belongings, swept our lovely home in the south of France and kissed our beautiful friends farewell to move to Arnhem, the Netherlands.
I started the Master in september and it has been FULL! Wonderfull and intense. Time to catch up and write the blog were hard to find, but today I am doing it and I am keen to keep it going. As I am learning so many interesting things, concepts and experiences that is it worth sharing.
I had my critical review a week ago. We had to present our learning-outcomes-so-far to the studentbody and the staff.
I made a huge blue circle in which the participants could connect to dots by stitching. while they where doing this I asked them to share what they had learned from encountering one-another.
Our research is broad and intense and one of the decisions I made at the critical review is that I do not want to let go of my skill and the practice of making. That I, in the busy schedule we have will carve out time to keep making art works. To keep my fingers agile so to speak.
So, soon, I will post works I made in the program.
So today, a first blog. Please feel free to comment, interact and respond!